General HVAC Articles

Video – Have Your Utility Bills Jumped?

October 30, 2023
Video - Have Your Utility Bills Jumped? Stressed out woman.

Have your utility bills suddenly jumped? It could be your heating and cooling system.

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How Can I Save Money on My Heating Bill This Winter?

December 21, 2021
Is your energy bill too high in the winter?

Is your energy bill too high in the winter? Are you looking for ways to cut costs? There are a number of simple things you can do at home to save money. Some of them are bigger projects, but most are simple things you can do in your day-to-day life to help reduce your heat cost this winter.

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Fall HVAC Maintenance

September 14, 2021
Fall HVAC Maintenance

Maintaining your heating and cooling equipment ensures it’ll run smoothly the way it should when you need it. Investing your time and money in these seasonal maintenance tasks goes a long way to protect both your Pennsylvania home and your HVAC investment, including your wallet. Well-running systems are more energy efficient, so they end up costing you less to run all season long.

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Listen to Your HVAC System

February 19, 2021
man inspecting ceiling vent

Unusual sounds may indicate the need for a tune-up, cleaning, or repair. The experts at Shearer Heating, A/C & Refrigeration can decipher the noise and get your system back on track. They have the knowledge and experience it takes to keep your HVAC equipment running at peak efficiency and delivering the comfort you expect in your McMurray home.

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Thermostat 101 Basics

December 9, 2020
Thermostat 101 Basics | HVAC Maintenance

In the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry, your thermostat is the undisputed leader of the heating and cooling team. It signals your furnace and air conditioner (AC) when to turn on and off. Whenever your thermostat detects a temperature change that’s different from the desired setting in your Washington home, it barks out a new directive to adjust the indoor climate.

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